Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Steve Stokes (“Jolly Holiday Shop”) operates and may operate other websites. It is Jolly Holiday Shop’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. We do comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.

Table of Contents:

Data Controller

Steve Stokes is the controller of any personally-identifiable-information gathered by Jolly Holiday Shop.

Contact me at any time to:

  • Request access to any information that Jolly Holiday Shop has about you
  • Correct any information that Jolly Holiday Shop has about you
  • Delete any information that Jolly Holiday Shop has about you

If you have any additional questions about Jolly Holiday Shop’s collection and storage of data, please contact me at: steve@jolly

Information Collection And Use Regarding WEBSITE VISITORS

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.

Non-Personally-Identifiable Information

Like most website operators, Jolly Holiday Shop collects data of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device type identifiers and other diagnostic data.

Jolly Holiday Shop’s purpose in collecting this non-personally identifying information is to better understand how Jolly Holiday Shop’s visitors use its website. From time to time, Jolly Holiday Shop may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

Tracking & Cookies Data

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information.

Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our Service.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

Examples of Cookies we use:

  • Session Cookies. We use Session Cookies to operate our Service.
  • Preference Cookies. We use Preference Cookies to remember your preferences and various settings.
  • Security Cookies. We use Security Cookies for security purposes.

How Non-Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Website Visitors is Used

Jolly Holiday Shop uses the collected data for various purposes:

  • To provide and maintain the Service
  • To notify you about changes to our Service
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our Service when you choose to do so
  • To provide customer care and support
  • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service
  • To monitor the usage of the Service
  • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

Personally-Identifiable Information

We also collect a few pieces of personally-identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Data”). Personally identifiable information collected by Jolly Holiday Shop includes:

  • Your computer’s IP address
  • Your email address IF you’ve left a comment on the site)

How Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Website Visitors is Used

We collect information about how our Service is accessed and used (“Usage Data”).

IP Address

Any time you visit this website, a record of that visit is stored on this website’s servers showing the date, time, and IP address of the computer used to access the site. This data is used to identify any technical issues with the website and is stored by a 3rd party for 36 months.

Email Address

If you leave a comment on this website, you are required to include an email address. This email address is not displayed publicly but IS available to the website administrator and stored on the website’s servers until such time as the comment is deleted. That information is used to determine whether future comments should be automatically approved or manually reviewed by the website administrator before the comment can be published in order to reduce spam.

You may request that your comment and email address stored on the website’s servers be deleted at any time by contacting the administrator at

Extreme Reviewer only discloses visitor IP addresses and commenter IP addresses and emails under the same circumstances that it discloses personally-identifying information as described below, except that commenter IP addresses and email addresses are visible and disclosed to the administrators of the blog/site where the comment was left.

Visitors can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information, with the caveat that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website-related activities.

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Information Collection And Use Regarding EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS

Some pages of this website contain an email opt-in form used to collect your email address and other personally-identifiable information for the purposes of:

  • Sharing free and exclusive information designed to help improve your holiday product shopping experience
  • Marketing my holiday decoration and gift finds and ideas, ebooks, and services
  • Offering exclusive discounts when possible
  • Informing you of unique holiday products and discounts
  • Letting you know about product updates when relevant

Information collected about email subscribers is stored by a 3rd party for the exclusive use of Extreme Reviewer and is never sold.

Non-Personally-Identifiable Information

Some non-personally-identifiable information is gathered when you opt into my email list such as the date and time you submitted the form; your general geographic location; and which of my opt-in forms you completed.

How Non-Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Email Subscribers is Used

Jolly Holiday Shop uses the collected data for various purposes:

  • To provide and maintain the Service
  • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service
  • To monitor the usage of the Service
  • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

Personally-Identifiable Information

We also collect a few pieces of personally-identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Data”). Personally identifiable information collected by Jolly Holiday Shop email subscribers includes:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your computer’s IP address

How Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Email Subscribers is Used

We collect information about who has signed up to the Jolly Holiday Shop email list or lists in order to contact you.

Your Name

Your name is used only to personalize emails that are sent to the list to which you have subscribed.

Your Email Address

Without your email address, it would be hard to contact you. Your email address is used to send you information about unique holiday decorations, gifts, finds, discounts, and specials, special offers, and the availability of product updates, and announcements of any new products or services that we feel will deliver value to our customers.

Your Computer’s IP Address

Your IP address is used to confirm the actions you’ve taken in subscribing to my email list or lists and to assist in identifying or correcting any technical issues with this service.

This information is stored until such time as you request to be removed from the email list or I close the email list.

You may request that you be deleted from any email subscription at any time by either clicking the unsubscribe link in an email sent to you through that list or by contacting the administrator at

Jolly Holiday Shop only discloses email subscriber information under the same circumstances that it discloses personally-identifying information as described below. This information is never sold to a 3rd party.

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Information Collection And Use Regarding PRODUCT/SERVICE PURCHASERS

Some pages of this website directly sell products or services that are the exclusive property of Jolly Holiday Shop (informational articles, articles about classic or iconic holiday decorations or products) OR include a link to a 3rd party site where you can purchase products or services that are the exclusive property of Jolly Holiday Shop.

Should you purchase a product or service owned by Jolly Holiday Shop, certain pieces of information are gathered as part of the purchase transaction.

This information is gathered for the purposes of:

  • Providing product delivery
  • Providing customer service
  • Improving the quality of products and services offered
  • Identifying and correcting any technical issues that may occur during purchase and delivery

Information collected about purchasers is stored by a 3rd party for the exclusive use of Jolly Holiday Shop and is never sold.

Non-Personally-Identifiable Information

Some non-personally-identifiable information is gathered when you make a purchase such as the date, time, and the name of the product purchased.

How Non-Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Product/Service Purchasers is Used

Jolly Holiday Shop uses the collected data for various purposes:

  • To provide and maintain the quality of the products and services
  • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve products and services
  • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

Personally-Identifiable Information

We also collect a few pieces of personally-identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Data”). Personally identifiable information collected by Jolly Holiday Shop product/service purchasers includes:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your PayPal email address
  • Your PayPal transaction ID
  • Your WarriorPlus ID
  • Your WarriorPlus item number
  • Your computer’s IP address

How Personally-Identifiable Information Regarding Product/Service Purchasers is Used

We collect information about purchasers in order to:

  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Confirm product delivery
  • Process payments
  • Reverse transactions

Your Name

This information is stored with a 3rd party for the exclusive use of Jolly Holiday Shop. Jolly Holiday Shop only discloses product/service purchaser information under the same circumstances that it discloses personally-identifying information as described below. This information is never sold to a 3rd party.

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Transfer Of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.

If you are located outside the United States and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to the United States and process it there.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

Jolly Holiday Shop will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

Jolly Holiday Shop may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

  • To comply with a legal obligation
  • To protect and defend the rights or property of Jolly Holiday Shop
  • To prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
  • To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public
  • To protect against legal liability

Security Of Data

The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Service Providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (“Service Providers”), to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service.

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster Tools/Google Search Console
  • Bluehost
  • Aweber
  • Paypal
  • WarriorPlus

Aggregated Statistics

Jolly Holiday Shop may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its websites. Jolly Holiday Shop may display this information publicly or provide it to others. However, Jolly Holiday Shop does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described above.

Protection of Certain Personally-Identifying Information

Jolly Holiday Shop discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on Jolly Holiday Shop’s behalf or to provide services available at Jolly Holiday Shop’s websites, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees, contractors and affiliated organizations may be located outside of your home country; by using Jolly Holiday Shop’s websites, you consent to the transfer of such information to them. Jolly Holiday Shop will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations, as described above, Jolly Holiday Shop discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only in response to a subpoena, court order or other governmental request, or when Extreme Reviewer believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Jolly Holiday Shop, third parties or the public at large. If you are a registered user of an Jolly Holiday Shop website and have supplied your email address, Jolly Holiday Shop may occasionally send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what’s going on with Jolly Holiday Shop and our products. If you send us a request (for example via email or via one of our feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish it in order to help us clarify or respond to your request or to help us support other users. Jolly Holiday Shop takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information.

Business Transfers

If Jolly Holiday Shop, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, or in the unlikely event that Jolly Holiday Shop goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of Jolly Holiday Shop may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy.

Links To Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.


Ads appearing on any of our websites may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by Jolly Holiday Shop and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, Jolly Holiday Shop may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in Jolly Holiday Shop’s sole discretion. Jolly Holiday Shop encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. If you have a account, you might also receive an alert informing you of these changes. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or data collection and usage, please contact the website administrator at

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