Iconic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Glass Moose Mug Set – Officially Licensed by Warner Bros. Studios

If you are a fan of the iconic 1989 film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, then you are going to drool over finally getting your hands on your very own replica set of the whimsical glass moose mugs that Clark Griswold drank eggnog from with cousin Eddie in the classic scene from the movie.

It turns out that the moose mugs are a nod to the character Marty Moose in the original National Lampoon’s Vacation film and is also licensed by Warner Bros. Studios.

There Are Die Hard Fans Of The Film Whom Would Love These!

I own two of these moose mugs myself and proudly break them out while watching the film around Christmas time.

I can remember a time when my father and I, whom we are both huge fans of the movie, would be parroting the movie lines back and forth to each other while watching the film would say to another, “man I wish we could get a couple of those cool moose mugs”.

My family was ecstatic the year that we purchased moose mugs for them to have on hand for watching the film and enjoying eggnog or whatever.

Now you and your friends and family can enjoy your own in this two mug set. Plus, it is way more fun to enjoy eggnog, or whatever it is you enjoy around the holidays out of one of these, with someone else. 🙂

Product Details

  • These are Officially Licensed Moose mugs by Warner Bros. Studios.
  • Made from high quality clear molded glass.
  • Each is packaged in its own colorful gift box for a handy quick gift.
  • The mugs hold 8 oz. of liquid, and less with ice.
  • These make great gift for a Christmas party favor, an office holiday party, stocking stuffer, or a unique gift.
  • These are simply a must have for any major fan of the film.

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